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Chapteriosity is a book blog focusing on YA books and features book reviews, discussion and occasionally some random posts about other subjects such as manga or anime. Formerly known as Pansycake Reader, Chapteriosity was created on December 27th, 2012 as an outlet for Kezia to share her thoughts about books she has read.
Sweetly - Jackson Pearce I'm out of word. Sweetly needs a word that means more than "AMAZING", "FANTASTIC", and "AWESOME"

I've got to be honest that I like Sweetly better than Sisters Red. Way better than Sisters Red - which might proves that Jackson Pearce's ability is truly 'growing'.

I like Gretchen. First because she has "I-wanna-change" spirit. And yeah, she gradually evolves from a pathetic-scared-girl, to a brave-lifesaver. I enjoyed her inner thought - thanks to Jackson. She's actually quite stable and focus. Loveable main character.

Sophia is one hell woman. I bet she would be a great actress if there was no Fenris thing and lost sister issue. Although I already thought that Sophia was gonna be the evil witch in the first place.

Does anybody imagine Samuel as a hot guy beside me? Cause that what I was constantly thinking while reading. Especially he holds rifle.

The plot and romance are built step-by-step, without a rush. The twists, the clues, the conclusion, I love every bits of the story.

The cover looks sweet and creepy at the same time. You can see a guy face formed by tree braches.

So, 2 stars for great characters, 1 star for well-written story, 1 star for not-a-rush or sickening-teenage romance, 1 star for the cover. Sweetly is definitely one of my favorites.

Complete 5 stars. Recommended.